Unlimited Customizability
With the introduction of hooks, anyone can create new types of market structures, more assets, and new functionality on top of the Uniswap Protocol.

Low Cost
Uniswap v4 offers gas savings for both swappers and liquidity providers with lower pool creation costs, more efficient multi-hop swaps, and native ETH support.

Developed in Public
The v4 codebase has received hundreds of pull requests from the community. The code has been reviewed rigorously, including a $2.35M security competition run by Uniswap Labs, Uniswap Foundation, Certora, and Cantina.

Built by the Best
$2.75 trillion in cumulative volume has been processed through Uniswap v2 and v3 without a single hack. Uniswap v4 has been developed with the same commitment to security and transparency.

Uniswap v4 has undergone nine security reviews by six independent firms.
Reports available:

Notice a bug? Earn up to $15.5M for a critical v4 vulnerability
For full rules, including scope and eligibility requirements, visit the Uniswap Labs Cantina Bug Bounty page.